Spotlight on…..
Every so often there will be a spotlight article about one of our activities. This is to give a little more information on one of the activities currently available from a user perspective i.e. a Person with Parkinson’s Disease (PwP).
Spotlight on…...Personal Trainer support at the Gym session at Base Body Fitness
I do feel comfortable going to Base Body Gym on a Tuesday for the LWWP session. Everyone is friendly, I know which machines I like and what I like to do on them. I tend to ignore the rest of the facilities and equipment. I must, however, admit I am a little complacent.
Do I get the FULL benefit from attending the gym? Probably not.
Do I carry on with any exercises when I get home? No
Should I try to do more? I SUPPOSE SO
‘High intensity exercise has been shown to reduce symptoms in People with Parkinson’s (PWP) and is the most promising approach to slow the progression of the disease’
– Dr J Alberts, PhD, Neuro Scientist.
LWWP are funding two personal trainers, provided by Base Bodies to help us to gain greater benefit from exercising at the gym. They have now been active for a month.
Jason and Ben (Qualified Personal Trainers) are available, walking around the gym floor on Tuesdays. They are there to assist us all, give 1 to 1 advice and coaching about exercise– please use them. They need us to ask/ approach them as much as they are expected to approach/ask us. Jason specialises in working with people with disabilities and GP referrals.
Firstly, I was asked a few questions about me/my journey with PD and what I wanted to achieve. We then ignored the machines and he taught me some basic weight exercises to do at gym and home. He did not laugh when I selected the lightest weight, (I did laugh at myself). He told me to focus on the lowering of the weight as much as the lift and he also gave me homework to do daily. He then demonstrated which specific machines I should use and how to get the benefits.
There has been some very positive feedback so far. After the first month, 2 PwP have booked their own 1 to 1 sessions with the Personal Trainers.
Towards the end of the sessions there have been some group games upstairs - ball passing, basketball, rounders and football. This has brought an added ‘buzz’ to the gym. You may have heard the noise from upstairs. We will try to have some of these activities downstairs in the future.
As Tuesdays are getting more popular, a second session on Thursdays is planned from the New Year. Personal Trainer support will be available.
For details on becoming a Base Body member and receiving unlimited access for £15.00 a month -
For details about Personal Training sessions speak to reception and/or visit the website
September 2024
Spotlight on…..Guided Exercise Class Fenton Manor Sports Complex
First impressions at Fenton Manor were great: loads of parking and easy access. I went to the reception desk and paid my money. £3.20 for me and my Parkinson’s Assistant (PA) was free of charge (you must book prior, either face to face at reception or phone in on 01782 235004).
I the saw some familiar faces from other LWWP sessions in the room, which was just on the right hand side of reception, so in we went. Everyone was very welcoming, chairs were laid out and 60’s music was playing. There were about 12 of us (a mixture of PwPs and PAs) and we had a great time.
My overriding impression from the first was of having fun and being directed and at times challenged by two very knowledgeable and professional leaders Ange and Shelley.
There is a communal warm up and stretches (quiet a broad range of mobility issues within the group but we were all encouraged to go at our own pace, with some challenge). Then communal exercises, predominantly on core and balance etc and some focussed on such things as how to get up of the floor after a fall. There can be circuit training where we move from base to base in pairs with PAs. There are different exercises at each base eg boxing, balance, star jumps (don’t panic, the low level version, not full-on jumping!). Finally, some Tai Chi to relax and close.
It can be quite noisy as we are encouraged to shout out or sing along (exercise those vocal chords). Do expect to be challenged and push yourself under the guidance of Ange and Shelley. Gary is a bit afraid of Shelley as she takes no nonsense!
We have been back several times and try to attend regularly. It was agreed that I would take in the music one week. So I said I would take in some 80’s (there was a bit of grumbling – might be a coincidence but the CD player would not work that week).
The class is getting more popular and we are discussing with the council how to expand. We feel the maximum group size is perhaps 16. A second session would be much better than a move to the cavernous sports hall.
So please keep an eye out for updates.