Guided exercise class at Fenton Manor Sports Complex Fridays 1.00 - 2.00

Exercises and activities designed for those with Parkinson’s. A warm up, a circuit of exercises and a time of stretching to end. Led by Shelly and Ange.

The exercises are specifically targeted around areas that can become weak or may need support, for example posture and wrist strength. Also includes training with getting up from a chair or the floor.

£3.20 per session or free with monthly membership. Please book in advance on 01782 235004.

Gym session at Dimensions, Tunstall Tuesdays 1.00 - 12.00

Currently this group meets in the gym. John is on-hand to help you get the most out of the machines and different activities available.

£3.20 per session, or free with monthly membership. Please book in advance on 01782 233500.

The council also runs a number of different weekly activities which you may find useful. For example:

Chair based exercise at the Wallace Centre, Tuesdays at 9.15 a.m.

Falls prevention at Port Vale, Mondays at 1.30 p.m.

Functional Fitness at the Wallace Centre, Wednesdays at 11 a.m.