Parkinson’s Assistants or PAs

A PA is often a spouse or partner, sometimes another family member or even a good friend.

Whilst we realise it is not easy being a Person with Parkinson’s (PwP), it is also not easy being a PA.

We hope to support the PA as well as the PwP. There is always time for a chat with other PAs. Share frustrations as well as good times. Ask for help and guidance, for example how to manage medication, what to expect when seeing the Parkinson’s nurse or consultant, how to apply for government financial support.

A PA may also need more support and we are hoping to develop this area in the near future.

Why PA?

Many with PD lead relatively normal lives (with the assistance of medication and exercise). The PwP may need help and assistance at times during the day. Those with PD who attend LWWP are still mostly or fully independent and often have a PA with them. The PA may or may not be needed to give help to their PwP.

The word Carer can be useful when the PwP is elderly or their condition is advanced such that their needs are much more complex and so they have a high dependency on care.