Parkinson’s and exercise

Living Well with Parkinson’s was established in 2018 by Roy Clarke. From small beginnings in the church hall of St Paul’s Longton Hall Road, this support group for those with Parkinson’s now reaches out across our city and beyond.

Week by week those with Parkinson’s Disease (PD) meet to gain the benefits that regular exercise has on their condition. Newcomers are always welcome, and we are regularly joined by new members, usually accompanied by their Parkinson’s Assistants (PAs).

We aim to help those with Parkinson’s decrease the impact of their symptoms on daily living through regular and varied exercise. We are keen to add to what we offer and if you can help out in any way, please do get in touch through the ‘Contact us’ page.

It has been clinically proven that exercise can help relieve the symptoms of Parkinson’s. It is also good for bone and heart health as well as mental health and well-being. The most important thing is to exercise regularly. We suggest finding an exercise you enjoy and can stick with. Establishing exercise habits is essential to overall disease management.

As well as the physical benefits of the exercise, there are great social benefits to meeting in a group. We also build, encourage and support one another.

All of our activities we support are run or hosted by other organisations such as Stoke City Council, MESC Table Tennis and Base Body Fitness. We are very grateful for their help and support.